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Hiking in The Kimberley

Many of the Kimberley’s walking tracks simply provide access from car parks to particular points of interest. Others are worth doing for their own sakes, and several of these are among northern Australia’s best short walks. An addition, experienced bushwalkers will find plenty of potential for walking off marked routes in places like El Questro and the Drysdale River National Park.

4WD Pack
Atlas & Guide
The Kimberley Map
Hema HX-1 Navigator
Hema HX-1 Navigator

The most comfortable time for walking coincides with the southern winter. Having said that, the height of the rainy season can be quite pleasant too – the bush is at its most attractive, the waterfalls are in full spate and the cloud cover keeps the temperature down. Trouble is, you’ll probably need a helicopter to get to the starting point.

Geike Gorge National Park

Name Details
Reef Walk (Jarrambayah) 4.2km return, Medium difficulty. Walk takes you along the sandy western bank to the start of the West Wall.
Rarrgi Short Walk 20 minute return, Easy
River Walk (Bunguu) 20 minute return, Easy. Leads to a sandbar at the junction of the Fitzroy and Margaret, a popular fishing and swimming place.

King Leopold Ranges CP

Name Details
Bell Gorge 2km return, Easy
Lennard River Gorge 20 minute return, Easy
River Walk (Bunguu) 2km return, Medium difficultyc

Mirima National Park

Name Details
Looking at Plants Nature Trail 400m loop, Easy
Demboong Bana Gap Trail 500m return, Medium difficulty
Gerliwany-Gerring Bana Entry Trail 2km return, Medium difficulty
Derdbe-Gerring Banan Lookout Trail 900m return, Difficult

Mitchell River National Park

Name Details
Aunauyu (Surveyors Pool) 2km return, Difficult
Little Mertens Falls 1.6km return, Medium difficulty
Mertens Gorge 2.5km return (from camping area), Medium difficulty
Punamii-unpuu (Mitchell Falls) 8.6km return (5 hours), Very difficult
River View Walk 2km return, Difficult

Parry Lagoons NR

Name Details
Marigu Billabong 500m, Easy and wheelchair accessible
Telegraph Hill 800m loop, Easy

Purnululu National Park

Name Details
Cathedral Gorge 3km return, Medium difficulty
The Domes 1km loop, Easy
Kungkalanayi Lookout 500m return, Easy
Piccaninny Creek Lookout 1.4km, Easy
Piccaninny Gorge 30km, Very difficult (recommended). 1 to 4 days depended on how far you would like to go. Trek ends at a crystal-clear pool under soaring cliffs.
Mini Palms Walk 5km return, Medium difficulty. Features tall palms and dramatic scenery before ending in a large cavern – an amazing sight, and well worth the walk in itself. 
 Echidna Chasm Track 2km return, Easy (recommended) The walk takes you into a very deep, very narrow cleft where towering red walls block out the sky. The chasm is best seen around lunchtime when much of it is lit by reflected light.

Tunnel Creek National Park

Name Details
Subterranean Trail 2km one way, Difficult
Tunnel View Trail 750m one way, Medium difficulty (recommended)

Wolfe Creek Crater National Park

Name Details
Crater Climb 200m return, Medium difficulty

Windjana National Park

Name Details
Gorge Walk 7km return, Easy (recommended)
Time Walk 2km, Easy

El Questro

Name Details
El Questro Gorge 7km return, Easy (recommended)
Amalia Gorge 3.5km return, Easy
Emma Gorge 3.2km return, Easy. Best just after Wet, when there is still plenty of water running through the gorge. Permanent pool at the end where you can swim.
Champagne Springs  10km return, Medium difficulty. Walk will take you along the Pentecost River and over the range to pools and thermal springs in a discrete valley.


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